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Common Myths about Flossing—Debunked!

Dentist in Lake Zurich

Have you been skipping your daily flossing routine? If so, you may have been lead to believe one of the following myths below. Make no mistake: flossing is very important to your oral health! Don’t believe us? Check out the facts behind these common flossing myths below.

Myth #1: You only need to floss when food is caught between your teeth.

While removing food debris from between your teeth is one of the many benefits of flossing, this is not its only purpose. Flossing helps to remove the plaque and bacteria that can otherwise hide between your teeth without your knowledge. By flossing each night, you help to protect your teeth and gums from the plaque that can release harmful acids onto your teeth and gums and cause a number of oral health issues.

Myth #2: Flossing isn’t necessary if you brush regularly.

Flossing is actually a critical component of your oral health routine. Brushing is not nearly as effective as flossing when it comes to removing plaque and debris from between your teeth and gums and other hard-to-reach places. When plaque and bacteria get stuck between your teeth and gums, it can lead to tooth decay, inflammation, and even gum disease. Oral health issues like gum disease, for example, are quite serious. If left untreated, gum disease can cause serious problems such as respiratory illness, stroke, heart disease, and even complications with pregnancy. Therefore, it is important that you floss at least once per day.

Myth #3: Flossing requires a lot of effort.

Flossing doesn’t need to be such a chore! If you don’t like using the standard floss system, there are other options available to you. Floss holders can hold your thread of floss in a Y-shaped device to simplify the process. You can also buy single use flossers that have a thread already placed on an easy-to-use holder that can be tossed in the trash when you’re done!

Myth #4: Your dentist can’t tell if you skip on flossing.

We’re sorry to say that dentists can, in fact, tell when you’ve been skipping your flossing routine. When plaque has been left between your teeth over time, it calcifies into a hardened substance called tartar. This blackish material sticks to your teeth and cannot be removed with a simple flossing or brushing. Unfortunately, tartar sticks to your teeth until removed by a professional with a technique known as scaling.

Myth #5: It is normal for your gums to bleed after flossing.

If your gums bleed or hurt when you floss, it is important that you schedule a dental appointment right away! It is not normal for gums to bleed as a result of routine flossing. Bleeding gums is a strong indicator that you have gingivitis — an infection of the gums that, if left untreated, can lead to gum disease. Luckily, the early stages of gingivitis can be easily treated by your dentist.

If you’ve been missing your normal flossing routine, we can help to restore your oral health! Call Manus Dental in Lake Zurich, Hyde Park, or Yorkville today to set up your next appointment.

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