Orthodontics is the branch of dentistry devoted to correcting tooth alignment and bite problems. Mouth injuries, prolonged pacifier use in infancy and thumb-sucking in early childhood can all cause misalignment. Most often though orthodontic problems occur simply because the teeth and mouth are growing at different speeds. An orthodontist in Chicago can provide you with the best possible treatment. Orthodontic appliances, such as braces and retainers, put pressure on your teeth and/or jaw forcing them into a more aligned form to eventually shape into a beautiful smile. Straightening your teeth improves more than just your smile; orthodontics can improve all of these problems:
- Crooked or overlapped teeth can impair chewing (and therefore digestion) and complicate dental hygiene.
- Poorly aligned teeth can cause biting down on the tongue and gums.
- Jaw irregularities can cause the roof of your mouth to block your nasal cavities leading to breathing difficulties. Orthodontics can prevent all of these potential problems.